Anglican Services @ St Aidan's, Carlisle

Every Sunday @ 10.30am - Sung Eucharist 

Every Tuesday @ 12noon - Angelus & Intercessions 

Thursdays in Lent @ 10.00am - Holy Communion


Sunday 2nd March 

10-30am - Sung Eucharist for the Sunday next before Lent (Rev Jim Hyslop) 

Wednesday 5th March - Ash Wednesday 

6-00pm - Sung Eucharist with Imposition of Ashes (Rev Canon Angela Whittaker) 

Sunday 9th March 

10-30am - Sung Eucharist for the 1st Sunday of Lent (Rev Canon Angela Whittaker) 

Thursday 13th March

10-00am - Holy Communion

Sunday 16th March 

10-30am - Sung Eucharist for the 2nd Sunday of Lent

Thursday 20th March 

10-00am - Holy Communion